
Maanthurai Amravaneswarar Sthala Puranam

Chapter 5

How did the Saunakadi Maharishis see Sudhamuniva and Mrigandu Maharishi became the son of Markandeyar? Sudar says to ask to be told in detail.

In this way, in order to grace Mrigandhu Maharishi, who has been doing severe penance with prana yama for a long time with great devotion, the Lord appeared from the Suttaratneshvara lingam with his grace, just like how the Rishi Mrigandhu meditated on the Hrudaya Kamalam.

He appeared before him taking shape.

Mrigandhu Maharishi opened his eyes to see that the Murti he was contemplating had suddenly disappeared. In front of him is the one who shines like a thousand suns, who is praised by Sanak Sanandana, who is gathered with the divine eye shining in the middle of his forehead, who is also the venomous person who shines on his neck, who is embraced by Parvati, the daughter of Parvatarajan Ray and Varai shining with jadam hair called Kabartham, holding flute and ajagavam in his hands. He who has a body as white as camphor, who is wrapped in the skin of an elephant, who wears the crescent moon in the cirrus, who is as glorious as the cloud of the season. Rishi Mrigandu saw Paramek Varana, the Supreme Lord, whose eyes were shining with a smile. Ananda Pashapam grew in both his eyes and his hair was full of joy and he bowed down many times with devotion and started chanting anjavibandham.

“O Prabo! Deva Deva! Swamin! Chandra Kaladhara! Sambo! Salutations to you. Herud for your anger. O Prabo! Salutations for your panam. O Sambo! Salutations for your bow. O Shulin! Salutations for your hands. For your auspicious body. O Sahasraka, O Lord! Of! O one who shines in the form of Trimurti! O Mahanu Bhava with fierce Tejas, I salute you.

Hey Nagaparanabhushitha! Hey Suttaratneshvara! Have mercy on me. Hey Prabo! May devotion to you always remain in my heart, may my heart worship your lotus feet, may my speech be inspired by the chanting of your name. Let all my hands and feet be engaged in your worship. To give me an auspicious son who performed their divine refuges.

Seeing Rishi Mrigandhu praying like this, Lord Karunanidhi, who removes all the sins of those who surrender to him, is very happy and says to shine his teeth with mandahasam. “Hemirukanda! I am pleased with your penance. Do you want a sixteen-year-old son who is good-natured, virtuous, and highly intelligent? Or a hundred-year-old son with a great-mud face? O beast! Think and answer quickly.3

Hearing these words of Lord Parameswaran, Mrigandu thought well in his mind and prayed, “O Prabo! We should give you the virtuous son as mentioned earlier. O Dinadayala.” After giving boon to Rishi Mrigandhu, who was doing tapas, the deities immediately showered him with flowers as he disappeared into his abode, Suddha Ratneshvara Linga

Thus thinking of Paramashiva to give him a boon and disappear like a flash of lightning, Ishvaran went to his ashram with happiness and was waiting for the son of Mrigandu Munivar Putra Prabti even with the passage.

Maharishi Mrigandu became happy because he reached Amravana Kshet Tirat in Mandura. How can you tell the benefit that will come to him if he fasts and does penance in that place?

Hey guys! At the time when this couple was waiting for Putrodaya, due to the grace of Isa, Karbothpatti occurred and in the tenth month, in Supadinam with Sataya Nakshatra, when Guru Chandra was conjunct in Kendra, Marudvadidevi, the wife of the great sage Mrigandu Rishi, gave birth to a child. After the birth of Shiva Bhaktasikamani Markan Dayer, Devas showered flowers from Akasati. Apsara women danced. Kinnara and Gandhar sang happily. 18 instruments such as murasu, bari, tindimum etc. were played.

Immediately all the monks came and saw the child and gathered with the mark of Uttamapurusha. They performed Jatakarma etc. saying that Lord Shiva is none other than Lord Shiva who incarnated in you as a child even with supreme grace. The parents were overjoyed to see their child growing well like the Suklapaksha moon with great Tejas.

—— The fifth chapter is complete ——

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